Presenting a model of the effects of e-governance with the mediating role of e-government management on e-government organizations (case study: Iran Health Insurance Organization in City of Isfahan)


1 Master of Management - Information Systems, Isfahan Azad University (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Business Management, Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.


The growing and extraordinary trend of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and on the other hand the expansion and importance of information technology in all dimensions has made the digitization of human societies the
first and strategic priority of all governments, especially developed governments, and with any economic, political and
cultural conditions In order to grow and develop itself, it is inevitable to follow the digital path. Considering this issue, the
aim of this study is to achieve the electronic government management model affected by electronic governance. The
statistical sample of this research includes 25 health insurance managers and presidents who were selected and interviewed from among 130 people using the snowball sampling method until reaching theoretical saturation according to the size of the population and through Morgan's table. A questionnaire created by the researcher also contains 56 questions according to the topic of the data collection tool, and the collected data has been measured and evaluated using SPSS and Eviews software and the structural equation method. The findings indicate the positive and meaningful role of e-government in e-governance and indicate indicators such as planning and coordination (PC), monitoring and control (MC), electronic culture (EC), electronic partners (EP) and electronic leadership (EL). ) as electronic governance indicators. In order to strengthen e-goverment management in e-governance, laying the groundwork for infrastructures, gaining the trust of employees, partners and people, strong leadership and creating a culture and choosing organizations with similar characteristics in this field are among the things that need to be considered by e-governments.
